What CAN imbalance with your BODY look like?

  • Sacrificing sleep to get other things done, or not being able to fall asleep due to worried thoughts

  • Being so busy taking care of everyone and everything that nutrition, hydration, and movement needs are missed

  • Feeling tense in your body

  • Emotions showing up in physical ways (stomach aches, headaches, restlessness)

 What will therapy focus on?

  • How the mind and body are connected and influence one another

  • How taking care of our physical health supports our mental health

  • How and when to ask for additional help with physical health concerns

Examples of goals we can work towards together:

  • Increase awareness of how our body sends us messages about what we’re feeling or what we need, and learn strategies to honor these messages

  • Learn skills to reducing physical symptoms, including tension and restlessness

  • Develop healthy routines and habits that support physical health, including improved sleep

 Your therapy experience is unique and individual to you!

Do you struggle with something that isn’t on this list, but feel like it should be? Do you have something you’d like to focus on or a goal you’d like to work towards to find a better balance with your mind? Schedule a consultation now to share more about what you’re looking for and learn how Kimberleigh may be able to help!