What can imbalance with your connections look like?

  • Trying to be everything for everyone

  • Saying “yes” to too many things or avoiding saying “no”

  • Difficulty expressing emotions, or feeling like your emotions are a burden to others

  • Not expressing your opinion or preferences with others, even when asked or letting others decide for you

 What will therapy focus on?

  • How to communicate your emotions, opinions, and needs with others in a way that maintains or improves our relationships and self-respect

  • What healthy boundaries look like in different kinds of relationships, and what healthy boundaries look like for you

  • What trust and vulnerability look like for you, and how they support you in connecting with others authentically

Examples of goals we can work towards together:

  • Increase ability to express your emotions, opinions, and needs to others in authentic and effective ways

  • Bring awareness and intention to the things you say “yes” to, while recognizing if you have room on your plate for that request at this time

  • Improve healthy boundaries in relationships with others, including ways to say “no” that feel healthy and respectful

Your therapy experience is unique and individual to you!

Do you struggle with something that isn’t on this list, but feel like it should be? Do you have something you’d like to focus on or a goal you’d like to work towards to find a better balance with your mind? Schedule a consultation now to share more about what you’re looking for and learn how Kimberleigh may be able to help!