What CAN imbalance with your SOUL look like?

  • Feeling lost within yourself and unsure of who you are as an individual woman

  • Saying unkind things to yourself when any stress or negative emotion comes up

  • Difficulty with making personal decisions or knowing what’s the best thing for you

  • Sacrificing self-care due to feeling “too busy” or undeserving

  • Difficulty identifying self-care activities that work effectively for you

 What will therapy focus on?

  • How to use mindfulness and other skills to understand yourself and your values better

  • How to increase a feeling of inner peace and contentment within yourself

  • What effective self-care looks like for you

  • How self-compassion can help you be the friend to yourself that you are to others

Examples of goals we can work towards together:

  • Identify personal values and priorities, and explore ways to realign life with these

  • Reduce uncertainty in decision-making by learning ways to explore and express personal preferences

  • Increase self-care through finding a balance of relaxing and recharging activities

  • Develop habits for self-reflection and gratitude practice

  • Increase overall feelings of self-compassion and self-respect

 Your therapy experience is unique and individual to you!

Do you struggle with something that isn’t on this list, but feel like it should be? Do you have something you’d like to focus on or a goal you’d like to work towards to find a better balance with your mind? Schedule a consultation now to share more about what you’re looking for and learn how Kimberleigh may be able to help!